Friday, 12 February 2010

Selecting my team

Only a month ago I was elected MCP by AIESEC Norway. More than 4 months before starting my term I have already made my first, and perhaps the most important, of all the decisions i will make this year.

You can have alot of plans and ideas and hopes and dreams about the future, but without great people a leader is going nowhere. I already feel lucky, as I have the best people.

My new team for AIESEC Norway 2010-11 is ready:
Raluca, Hege, Andreas and Elena - what a year ahead!

Thursday, 4 February 2010


I heard some news today.

One of our Local Committees, UiO have been recruiting the last month for members. As most LC's they want to have many new great members to do amazing AIESEC stuff. I think they want around 8-9 members although I am not sure.

I heard today that they are selecting 1 person.



Potential Only.

Impact only.