I think for all leaders, succession is one of the key indicators of success. Whether you are prime minister, or a corner shop owner, the quality of the leadership that follows yours is perhaps one of the strongest indicators of your own performance.
AIESEC Norway is a growing country and the quality of the membership is growing as well. The question of how many will jump into the crazy pool of changing their life for one year is, however, one of the key questions now. Having been MC twice, and it now being almost exactly 2 years since I myself was selected, I can truly sign up to the "life changing experience" promise.
Two years since I first had water thrown over me, not having any idea what job I was getting into (literally as well as figuratively speaking it turned out).
Now, as deadline time closes begins my final sprint as well. 6 more months of impact in this organization. 6 more months of driving growth, of activating leadership, of seeing happy faces of members who work for and go on Exchange.
And who will lead AIESEC Norway next? Who will step into an MC role? I don't know. Excited and anxious. Perhaps you who is reading this will apply? Only you know