Friday, 5 March 2010

Expect the best in people

Having spent close to 9 months on the Executive Board of AIESEC Norway, certain things have dawned on me gradually, and others again slam your face on Monday morning.

This job is God damn hard. Very, very tough. Make no mistake about it. In fact, I think it is much tougher than I ever imagined, despite believing in advance that it would be very difficult. In the end, it is not the daily grind, the lack of money or any other resources, the LC's.. In the end it's the fact that trying to move a mountain is quite simply a very tough task.

The hopes and dreams with which we started our term have long been reduced to more "realistic" ambitions. We are focusing on what matters, and not on what doesn't.

One of the toughest part of the job has been the balance between changing an organizational culture through hardcore management, and trying to change it through emotional leadership. The first we have done consistently. The second, not so much. Part of that is due to negativity on our part - my part. Focusing on the problems leads only to problem land. When there are so many problems, it is easy to bury yourself in them - easy to overlook what's working. At the same time, we sometimes praise even small insignificant things with the negative consequence that sub performance becomes a norm.

How to set expectations of excellence that people live up to with joy in their heart?

The path goes on...

1 comment:

  1. Rolf,

    I'd answer,
    First, set up expectations- be honest and ambitious. Second, constantly and clearly communicate your ambitious expectations. Third, make it as a habit using different aids.
