Monday, 28 June 2010

A vision..

My experience as President of AIESEC Norway 2010-11 is full and well underway now. While my old and amazing Big Bang team says its last goodbyes, a clear vision for the future came out of the National Planning Conference this weekend. For me it was really quite an experiment, as I had never really done or seen a complete open planning process where the National and Local Boards co-create the future together.

The vision of AIESEC Norway 2010-11:

"We attract and select high potential young people for the AIESEC Experience, where every member takes an Exchange or Leadership opportunity in their first year in AIESEC"

"Our culture of Exchange Performance leads to exchange growth and profit in all entities"

"We deliver relevant exchange products to organizations which recognize the value of the AIESEC Experience"

Ready to be part of the Exchange Revolution?

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