Sunday, 18 January 2009

A calm sunday

Quite strange to be sitting at home on a sunday afternoon, spending som time to collect my thoughts. I don't feel like I often have the chance to do this, at least not often enough. I really need it though. Things are happening so fast in my life right now. Happy moments and difficult moments, tough decisions and easy ones. Seemingly one after the other.

It's a week ago that I was selected for the MC VPTM position for next year. It's been a long week. I think that finally I am starting to realise what that means, both in terms of opportunity and in terms of responsibility.

I want to do so much. Achieve so much. Make a real difference. Can I? What does making a difference mean? I see myself in a different place now than I ever have beforehand in my life. I see it as my calling and responsibility to make an impact in the world. If I don't, who will?

Today I received an email which made me really sad. It basically told me that I was not being considerate enough in regards to this person. Without intending to do so on my part, the person felt like I was not giving her the respect she deserved, and was talking to her in an inapropriate manner.

Makes me think.

How to communicate right is one of the most difficult things in this world. To what degree I wish to have those communication skills that both make people listen but also makes them think and challenge. That empower and encourages them. That challenges and helps them. Tough.

I was really frustrated in the beginning of the week, as things did not seem to be happening. But then happiness returned to our little AIESEC universe. All of a sudden, within 3-4 days everything changed.

Wednesday I was able to see my team again. I hadn't realised how much I missed them. They are such great people. I see in them potential which is unlimited. They make my day every time I have the pleasure to talk to them. The seemed full of energy and excitement, which always energizes me. I am starting to laugh a little at how well they are starting to know me. Maybe I should surprise them a little more?

Still on wednesday we were were bundles of creativity and joy as we within a couple of hours were able to come up with some great flyers for recruitment. Within a couple of days we had aced sponsors for our event, deals for printing were produced and flyers were in the office! Wow.

I miss my girlfriend. It has been quite difficult this last year to entirely change my life around in terms of priorities, what I want to do in life and my direct life-plans, while at the same time keeping with me the most precious part of my whole life. She is extremely understanding. No matter how difficult I am, no matter how moody or how many times I change my opinions and my view, she is there. Like a rock.

When I told her I had been selected, she became so happy - for me. This despite she knowing it will be tough on us. I am convinced, however, that we will not only get through it, but be stronger, more in love, and better people after it.

Yesterday I was suddenly looking at masters programs in Copenhagen for the year after I have finished my term. What am I doing there? What happened to Bruge? I don't know. But CBS entices me. I will have to find out, I guess. It all depends on where I want to go.

On more calm notes my footballteam won yesterday. 1-0. Everyone who knows me well, know that this has for so long been such an important part of my life. And I still check for news every day, I still think about this team alot. But at the same time it's no longer the same. Some of that irrational, juvenile, but fascinating passion isn't there anymore. I feel like a chapter of my life is becoming a little smaller, whilst not closing entirely.

There are other things that are more important now. Other people. And what I can do for them? How I can help them. That's worth spending time on. Energy on. My life on. Football not so much.

Later today I am going to work out. So what you might think. Yeah, so what. But it sure makes a difference to me. Different priorities, different life-outlook, different direction.

This week I am have three goals.
1. Get a kick-ass recruitment underway
2. Spend saturday getting to know my team
3. Spend sunday afternoon with my girlfriend.

We will see whether I succeed.

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