Monday, 19 January 2009

Yes, we are becoming an EB again!

Really excited about the coaching this morning. Despite apparently seeming in a negative mood I am actually really happy about how things went this morning.

I was quite sceptical beforehand, because it seems we are scared as a group of facing difficulties together and actually excelling in order to overcome them and perform. I got some people being quite sceptical beforehand as well.

Then the meeting started with everyone being a bit late, and in quite a tense mood (or coach even commented that "we were allowed to talk" at one point). So to say the least, I was not very optimistic.

What is frustrating me in general is the fact that whenever things are important to us, we perform increadibly, both as individuals and as a team. But somehow we don't seem to allocate so much importance to our work in general, or at least that is my interpretation. I have difficulty explaining our reluctance to simply perform, seeing as we know how to, we know where we want to go, and how we want to get there.

But, today I saw us rise again. We were an EB once again. Time passing in the meeting we were actually transforming our vision and goals into concrete actions that we were going to do, setting up a structure for meeting times as an EB (despite the usual difficulties) and even agreeing on an internal EB coaching structure.


This really made my day. My week. My month. I want this TEAM to work! And I want us to help eachother to reach our vision. And we can! That's the thing that we must realise! We can! And should.

Anyway. A bit of enthusiasm there.

Slightly frustrated that it seems a point for everyone to always point out what I am doing wrong at all given times. Sometimes I wonder whether I am doing everyhing wrong. I guess it has a lot to do with my personality in general, which is difficult to deal with anyway. But we will see how it goes.

I take it as a challenge though. I would really like to work better with people, to be better balanced in groups, more aware of others, more stable and less irrational. Maybe I was dropped on my head as a kid? But I will get there. I think!

I am really looking forward to the sessions tomorrow. Hopefully it will be really good for hose coming as well.

Last point. Had a coaching/feedback chat with one of my team members today and it was such as positive experience! She was all motivated, all smiles and all energy. She is so talented, but sometimes afraid to admit it to herself. I wonder whether I can help her see it? I will try my best.

By the way. The day started at 06.00 today, so it will soon have lasted 18 hours! Wohooo!

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